Before & After

Invisalign & Bondings

Tina presented a case involving failing bondings, excessive wear, spacing, and discoloration. After careful planning, a functional, beautiful smile was achieved giving Tina the confidence to show the brightness of her spirit through her smile!
Meet Shira, a rockin’ Chicago native who was referred to ATDC after a most unfortunate auto accident, which left her literally smile-less. This was an extreme case of cosmetic reconstructive work and the results were amazing.
Michelle had undergone orthodontic treatment (“braces”) when she was younger, but her teeth had shifted since then and become crowded again. Additionally, she was unhappy with the color of her teeth and the aesthetics of an older, failing composite filling on her left front tooth. Porcelain veneers not only made her teeth appear straight, they also gave her the dazzling, whiter smile she always wanted.
Chicago (suburbs) native. Laura was born with small lateral incisors. As a teenager, she had dental work done to those two teeth to improve her aesthetics, but this work was beginning to fail. A conservative approach, utilizing only four veneers, allowed for the enhancement of her smile by creating front teeth that were more balanced.
Lane came to our office in perfect shape--except for a dark, smaller lateral tooth. One veneer was all that was needed to complete her already gorgeous smile!
A Chicago native. Attorney. Husband. Father. Grandfather. Years of intermittent dental visits and “one tooth at a time dentistry” were preventing his mouth from being as healthy as (we knew) it could be. Comprehensive dental treatment has improved his health and rejuvenated both his smile and his opinion about dentistry.
Chet was suffering from having a destructive bite and some aesthetic concerns. We decided to functionally restore him with a combination of veneers and crowns. The results left Chet with a beautiful, confident smile that protects his dentition.
Originally from South Africa, he now calls Chicago home. Andrew owns/runs a company (Health at Work) that creates and implements programs to help companies improve the health, wellness, and lifestyles of their employees. A slight discrepancy in the way his teeth fit together during biting/chewing was destroying his front teeth and causing him to hide his smile. A series of crowns and veneers fixed not only his destructive “bite,” but also restored his smile.
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