Ashley Luangphakdy, RDH

Ashley Luangphakdy, RDH

Dental Hygienist

Ashley attended Rock Valley College for Dental Hygiene and graduated in 2011. She joined the ATDC team in February of 2024. She finds the most joy in working with her patients, listening to their diverse life stories and experiences. Passionate about living a healthy lifestyle, she emphasizes the importance of oral hygiene and enjoys helping her patients improve their health and educating them on how to maintain it. Family plays a significant role in Ashley's life; she talks to her mom almost every day and loves her role as the "cool aunt" to her two brothers' six children, spoiling her nieces and nephews whenever she can. An avid fitness enthusiast, Ashley works out five times a week, with running being her favorite activity as well as hiking, biking and scuba diving. A food-lover, Ashley enjoys eating traditional dishes from her Laotian heritage, especially spicy peppers and vegetables.

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